Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Long Overdue Update

It has been some time since I last made a post to this blog, largely due to how interesting(crazy) the last three quarters of a year have been for us.  I was once told by a "mental health professional" that I had endured the three most stressful events a person usually goes through in the space of a year; getting a new job, getting married and having a child.  Plus we had bought a new car and a home. The last couple of years have given that time a run for its money. 
For those who aren't aware, or simply don't care to remember, two years ago we had moved to the beautiful(blah), vibrant(really windy) and culturally enhanced(almost everyone in or related to someone in the USAF) city(not really) of Great Falls(there aren't any falls anymore due to the dams), Montana(I actually loved living in Montana).
We were moved to Great Falls due to my wife's employer.  Our house wasn't really ready for sale so we(I) rented it out to a friend whom I believed to be reliable and have since discovered was not.  Luckily the second person I rented it to was vastly more mature and a very reliable tenant.  We were renting to them on a possible lease to own condition.
As most people who know me are aware of, I have been a stay at home dad since I left my 12 year job of working as a computer repair technician in 2009.  Since our youngest was ready to enter kindergarten while we were there it was time for me to look for a part time job.  Let me tell you, there is no shortage of people looking for part time jobs in a city which has a significant portion of its population military based.  After not hearing back from most jobs I applied for(which was very depressing) I finally landed a job as a teacher aide at my children's elementary school.  I loved that job.  I was really fond of the permanent registration on Balrog(my Suburban) too.
Oddly, my wife's employer decided it would be best for us to move back to Spokane, WA.  Ah, Washington.  The land of high minimum wage and proportionate over-taxing.  It kind of evens things out.  It cost us about $400 just to transfer vehicle titles and registrations.  Since our tenant was trying to buy our old house we lived at my parents' house for several months.  Unfortunately our renter was unable to buy our house in a suitable time frame and subsequently moved out and we moved back in this past August.  It's a strange feeling, saying goodbye to a home, thinking you'll never live there again, then moving back and some things are different because someone else had lived there and made some minor changes.
So that is basically where we are.  I'm looking for another part time job so I can still take care of the kids and try to pursue some creative endeavors.  Hopefully over the next few months as we settle in more and I can find some of my fun stuff that is still lost in packing boxes and get back into a few hobbies.  I have a corner of the basement configured as a workspace that I can use for some retro computer and AV projects but it's not quite there yet. 
If you've read this far, I'd like to both thank you and apologize.  If I had a budget for awards I would distribute them gladly.

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