Friday, January 13, 2012

Pretty much the stupidest RC project ever...

I'm really hoping that I can somehow pull this project out of the crapper over the next couple weeks and accomplish something.  The last couple weeks have been a little more complicated than I had anticipated for fitting in work on the RC.  But on the bright side, I did reset the workspace file and started one line of code:


I'm hoping this weekend I can finally dive into the Basic D&D rule book and plan some modularity and get an idea of the procedures I'll need to write.  It's been a looooong time since I've actually worked with Pascal so I'm hoping I can just dive into this and recall enough to salvage this project.  I'm just hoping it doesn't turn into a steaming heap of black and green poo.


  1. Well, that's 100% more pascal than I have ever done, I can tell you that. Keep it up man, I know you can do something fun! :D

    1. Thanks! I'll take all the encouragement I can get.
