Monday, January 2, 2012

Retrochallenge Update

Since I haven't had actual time to work on anything, I thought I would at least post some pictures and provide some details on my Retrochallenge project.  I'll be using an Apple IIe with two Disk II drives and a Zenith Data Systems monochrome monitor.  I never had a chance to test the second drive out which was acquired in an ebay auction after I got the IIe and a Disk II with it from a friend at work a few years ago who picked it up at a recycler for me, but luckily I was able to test it when I picked it all up in Spokane, WA for a family visit last week and all seems to be nominal.

The Apple Pascal box I acquired from an ebay auction a couple years ago and I was excited to find it was complete, including the sheet of "16" stickers, manuals and disks.

The copy of "Apple Pascal: a hands-on approach" actually came with the box set. Not sure if that was standard with the set or if the ebay seller just included it with the rest of the set.  I'm looking forward to using the "Pascal and Precalculus" book.  It looks to have a bunch of interesting exercises in it.

The last two items we're looking at tonight are "A Primer On Pascal" and the "Pascal User Manual and Report" which is actually by Kathleen Jensen and Niklaus Wirth, both acquired in ebay auctions.

Hopefully I'll actually have time to work on something useful, but as time is kind of precious lately, I'll be trying to fit in chunks of code or learning here and there and small points in between.  And of course, everyone can read all about our family's experiences having just moved to Montana, so there should at least be stuff to read about.

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